Golf Drills with a Golf Towel

Golf Drills with a Golf Towel

In this post we take you through some excellent golf drills with a golf towel.  So next time your on the golf range, simply remove that towel from your bag and use it in the following ways to improve your game.  We suggest you bookmark this page so you can refer to it every time you need it.

Drill1: Swing, gripping the towel like a club

Swinging a towel like a golf club is a brilliant way to train efficient movement. Because it hangs limp, you cannot fake the creation of speed; it can only be achieved by moving your body in the correct sequence.

Swing back to the top… but wait to feel the lagging towel land on your trail shoulder before starting the downswing. This is a good tip to help you stop throwing the club down with your shoulders, hands and arms.

In the downswing you want to create as much whip or snap in the towel. Hands and arms alone can’t do it; the only way is through unwinding from the ground up, the most effective sequence for speed, and creating lag in the towel.

Drill 2: Strike a lofted iron correctly

Fold your towel into thirds and set it on the ground a grip-length behind the ball

Hit 10 shots, making sure the ball stays that grip length in front of the towel each time. Because the towel creates a slight, raised obstacle behind the ball, you will instinctively retrain your attack to avoid it. that will give your strike more of a downward, squeezing quality. Look for a ball-turf connection and a more driven, powerful flight.

Don’t try this drill with a club longer than a 6- or 7-iron, as the shallower angle of approach can cause you to hit the towel even when your swing is fine.

Drill 3: Strike a Driver correctly

You need to strike the ball with a driver on an upward path.  Placing a towel in front, helps you mentally adjust your swing to do this.

Take your folded towel and this time set it on the ground a grip-length hole side of the ball.

Strike the ball, miss the towel. Perhaps the most damaging driver swing trait is the over-the-top move that sets up a steep, downward attack angle; but with the towel there to catch the clubhead on any descending blow, your brain is forced into working out a more sweeping, upward solution

Drill 4: Improve your lower half stability

It’s common to see amateur golfer’s bodies follow the club in the swing, leading to weak positions. Some simple work with your towel will encourage the correct movements for a more co-ordinated, powerful swing.

Fold the towel and place it under your right foot (if right handed), left foot (if left handed)

Swing back with the towel in place. Note how, with your weight set along the inside of your trail foot, your trail leg and hip support the backswing much better. There is no ‘popping out’ of the trail hip; it rotates rather than sways. This helps you reach this top- of-the-backswing position, with your upper body stacked powerfully over your lower half.

Drill 5: Keep your body connected when pitching

It’s not new… but it still works! Hitting shots with a towel trapped under your armpits is better for shorter swings because it promotes a very rotary motion that restricts arm travel, but it remains a great way to coordinate your armswing and body rotation.

Fold the towel into one long band. Place it across your chest and use your upper arms to pin it to your sides. Take your regular grip.

This drill serves as a wake-up call to your core, which often becomes passive while the hands and arms do all the work. Get your upper body to rotate more willingly and you’ll hone a more reliable and consistent action through a truer arc, a more neutral clubface and a smoother rhythm.

Drill 6: Towel under your left arm

As you can see from the image, Rory is a big fan of this drill.  So if it works for him, its got to be worth a try!

“It helps keep the left arm connected to the chest on the backswing,” says Rory’s coach. “This also helps the chest rotate. If the chest stops and the left arm separates, the towel will fall out.”

Lastly a great video

This is a great video showing a drill for a full length swing using a towel.  We think its great.

You can look at more content from Alistair Davis and even book an online lesson by clicking here.

So there you have it, some 7 golf drills with a golf towel, that you can easily replicate on the range to improve your swing.  All you need to do now is remember the towel!

Lastly, you should have a golf towel.  But even if you have, is it Amazons number 1 golf towel, we reviewed these in our post on golf equipment which you can read here.

How to practise like a professional golfer

In this blog post we are going to take a look at the way professionals on tour practise so that we can follow their lead!

After all if it makes them that good it can’t be a bad thing to do, can it?


Justin Rose is famous for using a device called the tour striker smart ball.  Here is a great video showing you what it is and how to use it.

This retails for about £33.  But don’t pay that, you can get copy versions of this on aliexpress and they are just as good.  Click here to go to aliexpress and buy one now. 

Is it easy to re-grip your own golf clubs?

The answer to that question is yes.  With a little know how and all the right tools, it is surprisingly easy to re-grip your own golf clubs.  Here is what you are going to need:

  • New grips
  • Double-sided golf grip tape
  • White Spirit
  • A sharp Stanley knife or similar
  • A cloth
  • A receptacle as long as a grip
  • A vice with shaft protector

STEP 1: Remove the old grips

First cut or peel off the old grips, which may or may not be straightforward depending on how long they’ve been on. With steel shafts you can be relatively ‘aggressive’ with the knife, always making sure to work the blade away from you not towards you. (You may find it easiest to do this with the club secured in the vice).

With graphite shafts, you must proceed more carefully to avoid damaging them. If you’re lucky, a careful incision at the narrower end of the grip may pave the way to it peeling off easily, but sometimes it will be a painstaking process that you have to carefully repeat as you pick off all the remnants of old grip and tape.

Dab the cloth in White Spirit and rub it up and down the shaft where the old grip was to clean off the final bits.

STEP 2: Preparation

Next, starting at the butt end, wrap the double-sided tape round the grip working downwards and allowing sufficient space for the tape not to start overlapping lower down as the grip gets narrower. You can also get double-sided tape in sheet form rather than on a reel.

Leave a little extra at the top and don’t unpeel the other side of the double-sided tape until you are ready to fit the new grip. Wrap the extra bit around the top so it is covered with tape as this will make it easer to slip the new grip on.

STEP 3: Fitting the new grips

Place the club in the vice with the head pointing up, taking care to use a shaft protector (or similar) to avoid damage as you tighten the vice. Now take one of the new grips, cover the little hole at the end, and pour in a little White Spirit. Cover both ends of the grip with your fingers and swill the White Spirit around so the whole of the inside of the grip is coated.

Place your receptacle under the grip (if your vice arrangement allows you to do so), then, pinching the open end to control the flow, pour the White Spirit over the double-sided tape with any excess falling into your receptacle to re-use. Take the grip and slide it on, making sure any alignment tweaks are done quickly as there is a limited window in which you’ll be able to manoeuvre the grip.


We would also recommend you watch this excellent youTube video from Golf Pride, which shows you how it is done.  And lets face it if golf pride can’t get it right, no one can! LOL

The best way to clean your golf clubs

There are several ways you can clean your golf clubs, from making the most of vending machine style devices found at modern driving ranges, to a good old fashioned bucket of soapy water in your back garden. Of course you should also be cleaning clubs as you are playing. When playing from a muddy lie, it is worth getting something to clean the grooves after the shot and a towel to wipe the dirt away too.

What will you need to clean your golf clubs?

To clean your golf clubs we recommend you start with a simple plastic bucket, but a bathroom or kitchen sink will do the job just as well. You’ll also need luke warm water, a splash of washing up liquid, an old towel, and an old toothbrush, nylon brush or brush with plastic bristles..

How to clean your golf clubs


Squirt a little washing up liquid into your bucket or sink and fill it with enough luke warm water to cover the heads of your irons without the water coming up over the ferrules if possible. Be careful you don’t run the water too hot, as you could risk loosening the ferrules, which join the shafts to the heads.


Set the bucket down (ideally outside if possible) and place your irons and wedges in with the clubheads submerged and allow them to soak in the warm water for a few minutes to loosen any dirt in the grooves. For the time being leave your woods and putter out of the water.


After a few minutes soaking time, take each club in turn and use an old toothbrush, nylon brush or sharp tee peg to clean out their individual grooves. This is the most important step in cleaning your clubs, as removing dirt and debris from the grooves will help increase surface area contact with your golf ball at impact, which is how the grooves impart spin to give you added control.


Once the grooves are clean, run the brush across the sole of the iron and over the back of the clubhead, removing any mud, sand and grass.


Once all the mud has gone, use a hose or tap to rinse off the clubhead, checking the removal of any suds hasn’t revealed any remaining dirt. Next use your old towel to dry off the clubhead and give the shaft a quick wipe down to ensure it doesn’t go back into your bag wet.

What if my irons are forged?

If you play forged irons you should favour a soft nylon brush, but otherwise you can follow all the steps above. If your forged irons start to show signs of rust, made possible when the mild carbon steel becomes exposed during a shot that chips their chrome plating, you can spray the surface with WD-40 and clean them with a nylon brush. It is also worth cleaning them in a bucket as opposed to a sink as contact with the sick could leave a little mark! Once you’re done this, make sure you wipe them clean with a dry cloth.

Cleaning your driver, fairway, hybrid and putter

Unlike your irons ands wedges, you shouldn’t submerge these clubs in water. Instead, either dip them in and out and rub down with a cloth, or use a wet cloth to wipe them over. Then dry them thoroughly.

Cleaning your golf club grips

When thinking about how to clean your golf clubs, your golf grips should not be neglected! Sun cream and sweat, will over time, reduce the amount of traction on offer and a quick clean can reinvigorate old grips. The easiest way to clean your golf grips is to wipe them down with a moist cloth, then dry them with a towel. This will remove any surface dirt and grime, and take no more than a few minutes. If they need a more thorough cleaning, follow these steps:


Fill a bucket or sink with warm water and add a splash of washing up liquid to create plenty of soap suds.


Use a wet cloth to collect some suds, and then rub them into the grip.


Once scrubbed, run your grips under flowing warm water to rinse them. Be careful not to use very hot water as this can cause the glue underneath the grips to loosen.


Using your towel, dry each grip as soon as it is rinsed off. Check the shafts too, and if water has found its way there, dry them as well.